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Texas County Records
Texas Police Records
Texas Outstanding Warrants
Texas Arrest Records
Texas Court Records
Texas Civil Records
Texas County Records
Each county office in the state of Texas is responsible for maintaining a current database of county records for their jurisdiction. County records may consist of criminal records, arrest records, outstanding warrants, property records, marriage/divorce records, court records, birth/death records and more. Any life event, property or business transaction, or history of arrests is documented with the state on a county level. It's important to know that as a U.S. Citizen you have access to these records. Below is a list of all Texas counties. By choosing a county you can begin to access more information and find resources on where to research arrest records, run a background check or begin a warrant search in Texas.
Finding Court Records in Texas
Many court records are available for public view in the state of Texas. These records are considered public domain and anyone can request these records at any time for any purpose. The easiest way to access these records is by doing an online search. County records you will have access to include events recorded with the state such as property records, marriage/divorce records, birth/death records, court judgments, as well as criminal records, arrest records, and outstanding warrants. You can conduct an online search directly from our site or go to the official website of the Texas county where the case resides. To obtain additional resources for Texas court records you can go to the official Texas Judicial site for the state.
Another way to obtain criminal records is to go in person to the county courthouse and ask the court clerk for assistance. They will be able to point you in the right direction so you can access the records you need. Online resources are available on the Texas Judicial site. There you will find a page with an interactive map of all counties. Click on the county you want to see resources for. Listed will be county information, i.e. addresses and contact information for the district courts, county courts, the clerk's office, and justice of the peace. Also on this site you can search by case if need more information about your upcoming court case. To do this, you will need to know your case number.
The Supreme Court of Texas is the highest court in the state and presides over all lower courts. Below is the contact information for the Supreme Court of Texas. I suggest you call to find out which form of contact is right for your situation and that you are directing your question and issue to the right office.
Physical Address
Supreme Court of Texas
Supreme Court Building
201 W. 14th Street, Room 104
Austin, Texas 78701
Mailing Address
Supreme Court of Texas
PO Box 12248
Austin, Texas 78711
Main: (512) 463-1312 Fax: (512) 463-1365
Texas Arrest Warrants
In Texas you can not be arrested for a crime if no one witnessed you committing it. In order to be arrested there must be an arrest warrant issued in your name. Law enforcement must present evidence in court against you proving you likely committed the crime in question. This is known as probable cause. If the judge believes there is enough evidence to justify an arrest warrant, then the judge will issue the warrant making it legal for law enforcement to arrest you so you can answer for the charges. An arrest warrant in Texas that isn’t served becomes an outstanding warrant. If there is an outstanding warrant in your name, you can be apprehended at any time and any place, especially during the Texas Warrant Roundup. It’s extremely important to do a search and find out if you have an active arrest warrant in Texas for this reason. Texas takes these outstanding warrants seriously to collect on debt owed to the state.
A valid arrest warrant must comply with certain guidelines in order to be legally carried out by law enforcement. It must clearly state the person to be detained by name and/or identifying physical marks if the name is not known. A reasonable description of the individual has to be clear in order for police to arrest the right person. It must contain adequate evidence of probable cause which isn't based on falsehoods and be issued by a neutral magistrate. An arrest warrant must state what the person is being charged with, if the offense is against the state or a person, and must name and describe these charges in detail. Lastly, the warrant has to bear the signature of the issuing judge and the name of the office or it won't be legal.
Arrest warrants are not considered served until the person named on the warrant is taken into custody and brought in front of the court system. The suspect will be taken before the magistrate who sanctioned the arrest order unless the arrest occurs in another county. In this case, the suspect will most likely be taken to the nearest court or a magistrate in the county where the arrest took place. The execution of warrants is described in detail in the Texas Code Of Criminal Procedure Art- 15.16.
The serving of warrants, summons and other legal processes
A summons may be issued instead of a warrant as stated in Art-15.03 of the Texas Code Of Criminal Procedure. This decision is up to the judge and is decided on a case by case basis. A summons is usually only considered when the offense is a misdemeanor or if the case is brought in front of the Texas courts by someone other than law enforcement. A criminal summons is served by sending a copy of the order to the defendant's address. This is usually done in person to make sure the summons has been received and acknowledged. If the individual is not home or available it may be given to another person who lives at that address provided they are of suitable age and capacity to accept it. Failure to appear in court in answer to a summons, can result in an arrest warrant in your name
Conducting a warrant search in Texas
All law enforcement agencies have access to complete crime and arrest records state-wide. If you have an arrest record, detention order or and outstanding warrant there is virtually no way to avoid being on the county list as an offender against the state. If you've been involved with the law, have been arrested for a crime or have a court case coming up all these records exist on the county level and will show up on all background checks.
One of the best state resources available to you for searching arrest warrants in Texas is the Computerized Criminal History System operated by the TxDPS. You can search arrests, prosecutions and the disposition of the case for class B misdemeanors or greater. You don't want to be surprised by any unknown criminal record or outstanding warrants during the Texas Warrant Roundup. If you know this information up front you can do something about it to avoid an unwanted surprise arrest. You will need to sign up for an account to do a criminal history search in order to access records. That requires an ID and password plus a small fee to use their services.
There is also a wealth of information on their portal such as:
Crime statistics
A list of most wanted in Texas
Top sex Offenders in Texas
Most wanted fugitives
and more.
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice offers resources as well to all citizens:
Most wanted fugitives
Offender Search
Crime Victim Services
The state of Texas has provisions for expunging records in the state. The requirements and procedures for expungement for arrest records, court records and criminal records are outlined in Chapter 55 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. You need to satisfy these requirements in order for you records to be considered for expungement in Texas. It's highly advisable to contact a lawyer to help you get a record expunged, specifically a criminal attorney. A lawyer will be able to navigate the court system, see if you are eligible for the expunction, and tell you the best way to approach your case for a positive outcome. Not all records are able to be removed. Your lawyer will be able to advise you to the likelihood of your case.
Resources for Victims of a Crime
If you have been a victim if a crime in Texas there are resources for you to receive notifications about offenders. The Notification and Victim Information & Notification Everyday (VINE) has an online portal to notify victims and citizens for security reasons. You have the option of written notification (letter, email or both), text notification, or telephone service notification. Any citizen of Texas concerned about crime in the state may request written notification by contacting the Victim Services Division. The Victim Services Division provides personal service to victims and their families in Texas, as well as, assisting those outside of the state.
The Victim Services Division offers an informational hotline to call. The toll free number is (800) 848-4284 and is available Monday thru Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CST. Through the Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE) system, they offer an automated service that will notify all those registered with a telephone call when an offender is scheduled for release. To register for any service, call the toll free number (800) 848-4284 or send a written request to 8712 Shoal Creek Blvd, Suite 265, Austin, Texas, 78757-6899 or e-mail
Contact Information
1-800-848-4284 (toll free)
(512) 406-5900
8712 Shoal Creek Blvd.
Suite 265, Austin,
Texas, 78757-6899
Monday through Friday
8am-5pm CST
Texas Court System
It's useful to understand how the court system works especially if you're looking to obtain court records in Texas. The State of Texas court system is composed of the Texas Supreme Court and the Court of Criminal Appeals, which are considered the state’s highest appellate courts. Texas also has a variety of courts that fall under the Supreme Court and Criminal Appeals Court. These are courts of appeals, county-level courts, district-level courts, municipal courts, and justice of the peace courts. The Texas court system has final and full appellate jurisdiction for both civil and juvenile cases, but its decisions can be reviewed and overruled in the United States Supreme Court. The highest and final appellate for criminal cases in Texas is the Court of Criminal Appeals, which is composed of nine judges. The decisions made by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals are final, but can be appealed in the United States Supreme Court if there are questions regarding the federal law.
You can contact the Supreme Court of Texas at the Supreme Court Building, 201 W. 14th Street, Room 104 in Austin, Texas 78701. Their mailing address is:
Supreme Court of Texas, PO Box 12248, Austin, Texas 78711. If you need to reach them by phone the number is (512) 463-1312. The fax number for the Supreme Court is (512) 463-1365
Texas Judicial Directory
There are 14 courts of appeals in Texas which include 80 justices each serving a specific geographic district. The courts of appeals are the intermediate level appellate courts that serve cases from both the district and the county level courts.
Texas has 456 district courts and 456 judges. These district courts are the state trial courts of general and special jurisdiction and serves trials and hearings for both criminal and civil cases involving criminal and juvenile matters, title actions, divorces, and contested probate matters.
There are 506 county courts in Texas which hold 506 judges. County courts can have one of three designations: constitutional county court, county court at law, or statutory probate court.
The municipal courts and the justice of the peace courts are the lower level courts. Basically they are local trial courts of limited jurisdiction. The justice of the peace courts have jurisdiction over criminal actions of small claims, criminal misdemeanors punishable by fine only, and magistrate functions. The municipal courts have jurisdiction over criminal misdemeanors punishable by fine only, exclusive original jurisdiction over municipal ordinance criminal cases, limited civil jurisdiction, and magistrate functions.
Texas Public Information Act
The State of Texas provides access to court records as outlined in Section 552.221 of the Texas Public Information Act (TPIA) which states that records must be accessible to any and all persons. Texas created the Public Information Act of Texas for the purpose of allowing records to be public to anyone who requests them. The Texas Government Code Chapter 552 provides the public the right to access court documents at all levels of government within the state. Despite Code Chapter 552 being in place, there are still restrictions regarding the disclosure of court records, as stated in the laws set by the government. Anybody can make a public records request in Texas. If you want to learn more about court records request in Texas visit
The Texas Public Information Act allows anybody to request public information. The reason a record is being requested does not matter. If the documents are covered by the TPIA then anyone has the right to view them. The one rule is due process must be observed in order to access public records. The person making the request must provide credible identification and a list of documents they wish to obtain. Per Texas law, a period of 10 days is required to process any public records request and there is usually a small fee to receive these records.

Online Local Record Registry
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