To conduct an arrest warrant or court record search in Jefferson County Texas you have come to the right place. Whatever the reason for your search, we have provided many online and offline resources on this page to help you do that. Finding information on records and warrants is not always easy especially at the county level. We hope you find the resources on this page of value to everyone searching for warrants in Jefferson County Texas.
Jefferson County Arrest Warrant Search
There are many places to search for warrants in Jefferson County at the local and state level. You can use the options listed on this page or conduct a record search directly from this site. It's simple and completely discreet. All you have to do is type in the first and last name of the person you want records for and choose a state to search in. Once you hit search, profiles that match your search criteria will be shown instantly.
If you want to use government agencies for a more standard search there are many viable options. In Jefferson County you are welcome to go to the Sheriff's Department in person to conduct a criminal background check. Their address is 525 Lakeshore Drive, Port Arthur, TX and their phone number is 409-983-8350. Or you may want to search their criminal archive if searching arrest records for another person. The sheriff's site also lists additional phone numbers for the department which might be useful in searching for records. The sheriff also has a records request form you can fill out if you want to request records. Make sure to fill it out accurately and completely to ensure you get back accurate results. If you leave out information they may not be able to fulfill your request.
To help fight crime the Jefferson County Sheriff has put into effect a Fugitive Warrant Division which is responsible for the arrest and prosecution of dangerous and repeat offenders throughout the county. The Warrant Division handles the administration, management, and execution of about 22,000 criminal warrants yearly.
Another place to seek warrants in Jefferson County is the main government site which offers a search for Justice of the Peace warrants. From that link you can search by last name in alphabetical order. Simply choose the initial of the person's last name and a list of names come up who have warrants on file in Jefferson County. Next to the name you will see what type of offense the warrant was issued for.
The state of Texas has online resources if you would like to extend your search statewide. You can conduct a criminal history search, from the Texas Department of Public Safety's site. The results shown are for people convicted of a class B misdemeanor or higher and are pulled directly from convictions reported to the department. You need to register as a member to use the search tool by setting up a username and password. The types of records you will uncover are accurate seeing they are reported from a government source.
The Texas Department of Public Safety also offers a sex offender search. There you will be able to view sex offenders registered with the state of Texas. You can also utilize their notification system which allows anyone to subscribe to e-mails which will alert you to the status of registered sex offenders in the state.
Jail and Inmate Records
The sheriff's site can direct you to a current jail roster from their corrections division page. You can run a search of all citizens presently incarcerated in the counties correctional facility. If you want to go in person to the jail facility their address is 5030 Highway 69 South, Beaumont, TX 77705.
Another valuable government agency to search for records is the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. They offer an online offender tool that is updated consistently and will show records for people who are currently incarcerated in the state's TDCJ facilities. You can search by name, TDCJ number, or SID number.
Jefferson County Court Records
Since the district and county clerks are responsible for the recording of court proceedings in Jefferson County it makes sense they would be the place to go for court records. Both offer online tools to search court records including warrants filed in Jefferson county.
The District Clerk offers access to an online Index organized by year for criminal cases that were filed in the district court. You can search starting from 1981 to the present. Once you choose a year, the records are listed in chronological order. You can search records by the year they were filed or if the year is not known you can search by indictment number or the defendants name. The County Clerk of Jefferson County has an online public records search as well. With their search tools you can access civil court records, criminal court dockets, probate records and other vital records. You can search by date, name, or case number.
The Facts About Warrants
Some people get confused between the terms active and outstanding warrants. Basically, they mean the same thing. The definition of a warrant is a judicial written document authorizing the search or seizure of property or the arrest of a person in relation to a crime. A legal arrest warrant is one that states the person to be seized or clearly describes the suspect by identifying marks if the name isn't known. It will describe the details of the crime, what you're being charged with and must be signed by a judge in order to be executed legally.
An active warrant is one that hasn't been served or resolved with an arrest. An outstanding warrant is one that has been in the system for some time without any arrest. Beware that warrants do not expire. Once you have a warrant in your name the warrant will remain on your personal file until you are taken into custody to answer to the charges against you.
Our recommendation to handle criminal warrants is to hire a criminal attorney. A lawyer knowledgeable in criminal law will help you resolve the warrant effectively, represent you in court, negotiate your sentencing, and navigate the court system on your behalf.
Probable Cause
In order for law enforcement to obtain a warrant for any citizen they have to prove what is called probable cause. In the United States, probable cause is the standard by which authorities have to obtain an arrest warrant for a suspect. It can apply to personal property as well if a search warrant is needed to conduct a criminal investigation.
Establishing probable cause relies on the fact that there is enough evidence against a person for a judge to conclude that he or she most likely committed or was heavily involved in a crime. This could be in the form of factual evidence or testimony of witnesses that law enforcement gather to make their case. If a judge believes there is substantial evidence, the judge will issue a warrant against you. A warrant is necessary to bring a person into court to be tried for the crime. Once a warrant is issued, law enforcement have the authority to search for a person or premise for evidence and make a legal arrest.
Jefferson County Arrest Warrant and Court Records Search
Texas Police Records
Texas Outstanding Warrants
Texas Arrest Records
Texas Court Records
Texas Civil Records